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All-in-one Vital Signs Simulator
Datrend Systems’ vPad-A1, based on our revolutionary Vision-Pad TechnologyTM, is an all-in-one patient simulation system. vPad-A1 is modular and is comprised of a Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator, SpO2 test module, and a Non-Invasive Blood Pressure simulation module which may be used together or independently in various combinations, with an Android handheld device or vPad tablet providing the user interface.

Product Details

Key Features

■ 12 lead ECG simulation
■ ST Segments: 8 elevated and 8 depressed
■ Axis Deviation: Normal (intermediate), horizontal, and vertical.
■ Neonatal Mode
■ ECG Performance Testing
■ Over 60 Arrhythmia selections
■ 2 channel Invasive BP simulation
■ Temperature and Respiration simulations
■ Pacer simulations
■ Cardiac output
■ SpO2 Pulse Oximeter Simulator and Non‐Invasive BP modules, compatible with all major industry manufacturers
■ Auto Settings
■ Auto Sequences
■ Test reports ‐ with user entered results
■ Control via Bluetooth or USB

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The vPad‐A1 contains the following modules: A1 Base module, vPad‐PS, vPad‐O2, and vPad‐BP.

The vPad‐A1 App is an application developed for an Android handheld device, which serves as the user interface for the vPad‐A1 system. It is designed using the same principles as all other Datrend vPad Apps, which are intuitive, ergonomic, and customizable.

The vPad‐A1 Base serves as a communication bridge between the Android tablet and the rest of vPad‐A1 units via Bluetooth or USB. A DACOM bus connection provides an interface to other vPad devices. The Base also provides power to vPad‐PS and vPad‐O2.

vPad‐PS provides six of the eight available simulations: ECG, two‐channel IBP (invasive blood pressure), respiration, temperature, and cardiac output.

vPad‐O2 provides SpO2 simulation for testing pulse oximeters, and is compatible with all major pulse oximeter manufacturers.

vPad‐BP provides NIBP (non‐invasive blood pressure) simulation supporting all major NIBP manufacturers.